The Jancerie Kennel was established in New Zealand in 2008 with a foundation of 6 Labradors from Ally's home in the island of Jersey, UK - the original Jancerie family.

(TAPEATOM Leonie of Jancerie)
DOB- 12-12-97
Jancerie's foundation bitch and great-great-grandmother of the latest generation, Taz 's temperament was impeccable and she became an integral and much loved part of our family.
A wonderful Mum and friend, Taz grew to become the grand dame of the Jancerie manor until passing away peacefully in 2014, aged 16 years and 9 months.
She left a great legacy, both in her Jancerie offspring and in the many fond memories we all have of our dear Taz.

(JANCERIE Hufflepuff)
DOB- 27-11-01
Taz's daughter, Treacle, was my first show dog. At an early age she was awarded Best Puppy in Show & continued to do well in the ring, being awarded Best of Breed on numerous occasions & receiving several Group placings. At her debut in NZ she was awarded Best Veteran at the NZ Labrador Club Ribbon Parade.
Treacle has had 2 litters of pups and is a wonderful mother. She happily fostered 4 orphan Springer Spaniel puppies and reared them alongside her own pups. She is very laid back & loves everyone. She adores water & is a very strong swimmer. Her main passion is for food and she does have to watch her waistline!

(JANCERIE Buttercup)
DOB- 16-04-06
Daisy is Treacle's daughter. She was the only yellow in the litter and my daughter fell in love with her. Daisy quickly followed in her Mum's pawsteps & did very well in the show ring. Her highlight was being awarded the Pat Finey Memorial Trophy for Best Channel Island Labrador.
Daisy is very energetic & still finds life very exciting! She loves all the wide open space NZ has to offer.

(STORMLEY Am I Bovered)
DOB- 09-02-06
Truffle is our chocolate girl. She was bred by Marjorie Booth of the well known STORMLEY kennel in Yorkshire UK. I feel very honoured to have her as part of our family. She is a real sweetie!
Truffle finds showing rather boring & would rather stay at home. Her passion is for puppies, hers and anyone else’s! She simply adores them and is the most wonderfully attentive mother. She has had 4 litters and enjoyed every minute of her many puppies. Now retired from breeding, she remains the most motherly of the Jancerie family and is always very keen to babysit!

(ROCHEBY Blue Orchid for Jancerie)
DOB- 11-09-07
Little Lily was bred by Marion Hopkinson of the world famous ROCHEBY kennel in UK. She has a very impressive pedigree, her father being the Top Labrador Sire for 7 consecutive years (2003-2009) whilst her Grandmother was awarded Best of Breed at Crufts for 3 consecutive years (1996/7/8), a feat never equalled! Her first time in the ring, aged just 6 months, was the Kennel Club of Jersey Championship show where she was awarded Reserve Best Puppy in Show.
Lily has had 2 litters of pups and is a devoted companion. At her best with children, she is a very happy dog & her tail never stops wagging!

(JANCERIE Mellow Yellow)
DOB- 01-12-08
Sunny was the only boy amongst all the girls! He is a wonderful dog with an impeccable temperament. Life is one big game to Sunny & he is always happy & full of fun!
Sunny is Truffle's son. His father is from the world famous SANDYLANDS kennel in UK (voted 2009’s top UK breeder) - a stunning black dog who was awarded Best Labrador at Crufts 2009. Sunny’s Grandmother was also Top Brood Bitch for 2005, 2006 and 2009.
Since his arrival in NZ, Sunny has sired a number of litters of beautiful puppies, not only for Jancerie, but for several reputable NZ Labrador breeders.